In keeping with the mission and vision of QCMPN, only those cases that demonstrate a high probability of harm or risk of harm are posted. The geographical area served is limited to the Quad Cities and surrounding vicinity. Families and loved ones of the missing must provide up-to-date information about the missing and a point of contact as listed below:
Name of the missing person, and any nicknames or aliases
Physical description of the missing person
Age, date of birth
Clothes wearing at the time of the disappearance
Other distinguishing items, such as tattoos, scars
Date/time/location last seen
Circumstances of the disappearance
Whom the person was with and car if applicable
Is the person on any critical medications or have a condition that is dangerous?
Acknowledgement of police report filed (Not necessary that police had issued an alert yet)
History of search efforts to date
Was cell phone checked for use, location?
Were credit cards or bank accounts used?
What efforts have already been made to contact the missing?
What resources are available to the family?
Printing of fliers
Who should searchers contact if anything turns up (police, family, email address, contact phone - be cautious giving out personal phone numbers. Consider a Trac phone for this use only)